Monday, 5 February 2018

Numerical Analysis of Engineered Steel Fibers as Shear Reinforcement in RC Beams

NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERED STEEL FIBERS AS SHEAR REINFORCEMENT IN RC BEAMS J. Jeevitha1 and R. Venkatasubramani2 1P.G. Scholar, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India 2Head of the Department (Civil Engineering), Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT Using suitable fibers and additives in concrete to enhance its performance is an important consideration in the concrete industry with regard to the structural aspects of concrete. The purpose of this project is to investigate numerically the effectiveness of the engineered steel fiber as shear reinforcement in RC beams. Here steel fibers completely replaces the shear reinforcement (stirrups & links). The dimension of beam taken was 1000*150*150 mm with aspect ratio 80. The beams were reinforced with 10 mm steel bars as secondary reinforcement and 12 mm bars as main reinforcement on the tension side. Numerical analysis using ANSYS R16.1 software package was carried out. The load-deflection curves for the beams with different dosage of fibers were drawn superimposing their numerical values. Initially, in all three cases the curve was linear elastic and about 80% of ultimate load they tend to be non-linear. It was observed that there was fair agreement between the results which indicates some favourable aspects concerning the use of steel fibres as shear reinforcement in concrete beams. It was investigated that the inclusion of steel fibres (Hook End Type) improves the shear strength of RC beams without stirrups by improving the matrix between concrete and steel fibers. Thus this project focuses in the design and analysis using the software ANSYS R16.1 for an alternative steel reinforcement with better or equivalent performance. KEYWORDS: Engineered Steel Fibers, Ansys R16.1, Finite Element Model, Shear Connector, SFRC beam.

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